14 research outputs found

    Organisation et modulation du réseau neuronal de la respiration chez la lamproie

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    Les mécanismes neuronaux contrôlant la respiration sont présentement explorés à l’aide de plusieurs modèles animaux incluant le rat et la grenouille. Nous avons utilisé la lamproie comme modèle animal nous permettant de caractériser les réseaux de neurones du tronc cérébral qui génèrent et modulent le rythme respiratoire. Nous avons d’abord caractérisé une nouvelle population de neurones, dans le groupe respiratoire paratrigéminal (pTRG), une région du tronc cérébral essentielle à la genèse du rythme respiratoire chez la lamproie. Les neurones de cette région sont actifs en phase avec le rythme respiratoire. Nous avons montré que ces neurones possèdent une arborisation axonale complexe, incluant des projections bilatérales vers les groupes de motoneurones du tronc cérébral qui activent les branchies ainsi que des connexions reliant les pTRG de chaque côté du tronc cérébral. Ces résultats montrent que le pTRG contient un groupe de cellules qui active les motoneurones respiratoires des deux côtés et qui pourrait être impliqué dans la synchronisation bilatérale du rythme respiratoire. Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes neuronaux par lesquels le rythme respiratoire est augmenté en lien avec l’effort physique. Nous avons montré que la région locomotrice du mésencéphale (MLR), en plus de son rôle dans la locomotion, active les centres respiratoires pendant la nage, et même en anticipation. Les neurones de la MLR projetant vers les centres locomoteurs et respiratoires sont ségrégés anatomiquement, les neurones localisés plus dorsalement étant ceux qui possèdent des projections vers les centres respiratoires. Nous avons aboli la contribution de la partie dorsale de la MLR aux changements respiratoires en injectant des bloqueurs des récepteurs glutamatergiques localement, sur des préparations semi-intactes. Nous avons montré que lors d’épisodes de nage, une majeure partie de l’effet respiratoire est abolie par ces injections, suggérant un rôle prépondérant des neurones de cette région dans l’augmentation respiratoire pendant la locomotion. Nos résultats confirment que le rythme respiratoire est généré par une région rostrolatérale du pons de la lamproie et montrent que des connexions des centres locomoteurs arrivent directement à cette région et pourraient être impliquées dans l’augmentation respiratoire reliée à l’effort physique.The neural control of breathing is currently investigated on multiple animal models such as frogs and rats. We have used the lamprey as an experimental model to characterize the brainstem neural networks involved in the genesis and modulation of the respiratory rhythm. We have first characterized a new population of respiratory neurons in the paratrigeminal respiratory group (pTRG). The pTRG is a region that was shown to be essential to respiratory rhythmogenesis in lampreys. We have shown that the pTRG contains a group of neurons with complex axonal arborisations, including bilateral projections to the motoneuron pools of the brainstem that activate gills, as well as bilateral projections connecting the pTRGs on the two sides of the brainstem. These results suggest that pTRG neurons could participate in the descending control of respiratory motoneurons as well as the bilateral synchrony of the respiratory rhythm. We have then studied the neural mechanisms by which respiration is increased during locomotion. We have shown that the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), in addition to its role in controlling locomotion, also increases breathing during locomotion. Neurons in the MLR are anatomically segregated, those projecting to the respiratory centers being located more dorsally. We have abolished the contribution of the dorsal part of the MLR to respiratory changes by injecting glutamate receptor blockers locally in semi-intact preparations. We have shown that during swimming episodes, a major part of the respiratory effect is dependent on the dorsal part of the MLR. Our results confirm that the respiratory rhythm is generated by a rostrolateral region in the pons of lampreys and show that connections from locomotor centers can directly activate this region. These connections could be implicated in the increase of breathing activity related to locomotion

    Bilateral connectivity in the brainstem respiratory networks of lampreys

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    This study examines the connectivity in the neural networks controlling respiration in the lampreys, a basal vertebrate. Previous studies have shown that the lamprey paratrigeminal respiratory group (pTRG) plays a crucial role in the generation of respiration. By using a combination of anatomical and physiological techniques, we characterized the bilateral connections between the pTRGs and descending projections to the motoneurons. Tracers were injected in the respiratory motoneuron pools to identify pre‐motor respiratory interneurons. Retrogradely labeled cell bodies were found in the pTRG on both sides. Whole‐cell recordings of the retrogradely labeled pTRG neurons showed rhythmical excitatory currents in tune with respiratory motoneuron activity. This confirmed that they were related to respiration. Intracellular labeling of individual pTRG neurons revealed axonal branches to the contralateral pTRG and bilateral projections to the respiratory motoneuronal columns. Stimulation of the pTRG induced excitatory postsynaptic potentials in ipsi‐ and contralateral respiratory motoneurons as well as in contralateral pTRG neurons. A lidocaine HCl (Xylocaine) injection on the midline at the rostrocaudal level of the pTRG diminished the contralateral motoneuronal EPSPs as well as a local injection of 6‐cyano‐7‐nitroquinoxaline‐2,3‐dione (CNQX) and (2R)‐amino‐5‐phosphonovaleric acid (AP‐5) on the recorded respiratory motoneuron. Our data show that neurons in the pTRG send two sets of axonal projections: one to the contralateral pTRG and another to activate respiratory motoneurons on both sides through glutamatergic synapses

    D’exécutant à expert du médicament : l’évolution de la Loi de pharmacie du Québec, 1870-1989

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    From apothecary to drug expert : the evolution of the Quebec Pharmacy Act, 1870-1989. The increase in drug consumption and the use of a higher-level of pharmaceutical expertise put pharmacists in the heart of the medicalization process in Quebec during the 19th and 20th century. Therein, the Quebec Pharmacy Act attests the growing importance of the role of pharmacists as a health professional. This paper aims to expose the practice of pharmacy through the Pharmacy Act of Quebec from 1870 to 1989. To do so, we analyzed five dimensions that define the practice of pharmacy such as professional titles, academic course, professional corporation, control of drug sales and the privileges and reserved acts for pharmacists. This analysis reveals that over the amendments to the Pharmacy Act, the practice of pharmacy has become more complex by granting powers and privileges that recognize professional judgment and therapeutic role of pharmacists.L’accroissement de la consommation médicamenteuse et le recours à une expertise pharmaceutique toujours plus savante placent les pharmaciens au coeur du processus de médicalisation du Québec aux XIXe et XXe siècles. À cet égard, la Loi de pharmacie du Québec atteste de l’importance croissant du rôle des pharmaciens comme professionnel de la santé. Cet article a pour objectif d’exposer l’exercice de la pharmacie à travers la Loi de la pharmacie du Québec de 1870 à 1989. Pour ce faire, nous analysons cinq dimensions qui définissent l’exercice de la pharmacie soit les titres professionnels, la formation académique, la corporation professionnelle, le contrôle de la vente de médicaments ainsi que les privilèges et les actes réservés des pharmaciens. Cette analyse révèle qu’au fil des amendements à la Loi de pharmacie, l’exercice de la pharmacie se complexifie par l’octroi de pouvoirs et de privilèges qui reconnaissent le jugement professionnel et le rôle thérapeutique des pharmaciens.Savard Pierre-André, Rodrigues Monica, Gariépy Yves, Bussières Jean-François. D’exécutant à expert du médicament : l’évolution de la Loi de pharmacie du Québec, 1870-1989. In: Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 104e année, N. 396, 2017. pp. 531-552

    Brain games: Toward a neuroecology of social behavior

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    A Specific Population of Reticulospinal Neurons Controls the Termination of Locomotion

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    Locomotion requires the proper sequencing of neural activity to start, maintain, and stop it. Recently, brainstem neurons were shown to specifically stop locomotion in mammals. However, the cellular properties of these neurons and their activity during locomotion are still unknown. Here, we took advantage of the lamprey model to characterize the activity of a cell population that we now show to be involved in stopping locomotion. We find that these neurons display a burst of spikes that coincides with the end of swimming activity. Their pharmacological activation ends ongoing swimming, whereas the inactivation of these neurons dramatically impairs the rapid termination of swimming. These neurons are henceforth referred to as stop cells, because they play a crucial role in the termination of locomotion. Our findings contribute to the fundamental understanding of motor control and provide important details about the cellular mechanisms involved in locomotor termination

    Hippocrate: A safe robot arm for medical applications with force feedback

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    We have developed a robotic system to assist doctors when they are moving ultrasonic probes on the patient's skin while exerting a given effort. The probes are used to monitor arteries for cardiovascular disease prevention, namely to reconstruct the 3D profile of arteries. A preliminary feasibility study making use of an industrial robot has been made to validate the force control scheme. It has proven the interest of the robotized approach for such a medical application where force control is needed. In order to comply with safety constraints, a dedicated robotic system Hippocrate has been designed. This paper describes the arm and the controller architectures, with emphasis on design strategies selected to meet safety requirements. Preliminary in vivo results are presented as well as a possible new application of Hippocrate as a tool for reconstructive surgery.

    Distension of the carotid artery and risk of coronary events: the three-city study.

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Arterial mechanical properties are of growing interest in the understanding of cardiovascular disease development. We aimed to determine the predictive value of carotid wall mechanics on coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Three-City study. METHODS AND RESULTS: At baseline, 3337 participants aged > or =65 years underwent a carotid B-mode ultrasonography. During a median follow-up of 43.4 months, 128 CHD occurred. Increased carotid distension (relative stroke change in lumen diameter) was significantly associated with CHD risk. Comparison of subjects in tertile 3 versus those in tertile 1 (reference) showed a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.80 (95% CI, 1.17 to 2.75). Controlling for various confounders including age, heart rate, brachial (or carotid) pulse pressure, and common carotid intima-media thickness did not alter the association between carotid distension and CHD with a HR of 1.79 (95% CI, 1.12 to 2.86; tertile 3 versus tertile 1). Brachial and carotid pulse pressures were also independently associated with CHD. No association was found between CHD and carotid distensibility coefficient, cross-sectional compliance coefficient, Young's elastic modulus, or beta stiffness index. CONCLUSIONS: In the elderly, increased carotid distension was independently predictive of CHD. This simple and noninvasive parameter might be of particular interest for cardiovascular risk assessment

    Calf circumference is inversely associated with carotid plaques.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The association of carotid atherosclerosis with body composition and fat distribution is poorly understood. We aimed to test the cross-sectional association of carotid plaques and common carotid artery intima-media thickness with calf circumference (CC), representing peripheral fat and lean mass, and with waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio, 2 markers of abdominal obesity. METHODS: The study was performed on 6265 subjects aged >or=65 years recruited prospectively from the electoral rolls of 3 French cities. Ultrasound examination and anthropometric measures were performed according to a standardized protocol. RESULTS: Carotid plaques were less frequent with increasing CC, the ORs for the second, third, and fourth quartile of CC compared with the first quartile being 0.98 (95% CI, 0.84 to 1.15), 0.85 (95% CI, 0.72 to 1.01), and 0.71 (95% CI,:0.58 to 0.86; P for trend=0.0002), respectively, independently of age, gender, body mass index, and other vascular risk factors. There was an opposite and multiplicative effect of CC and waist-to-hip ratio on the frequency of carotid plaques (55.1% of individuals in the fourth waist-to-hip ratio quartile and the first CC quartile had carotid plaques, against 31.8% in the first waist-to-hip ratio and the fourth CC quartile). Mean common carotid artery intima-media thickness was larger with increasing waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and CC, but the association with CC disappeared after adjusting for body mass index. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows, for the first time, an inverse relationship between carotid plaques and CC. Although this needs to be confirmed in other populations, it may suggest an antiatherogenic effect of large CC

    Initiation of locomotion in lampreys

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    The spinal circuitry underlying the generation of basic locomotor synergies has been described in substantial detail in lampreys and the cellular mechanisms have been identified. The initiation of locomotion, on the other hand, relies on supraspinal networks and the cellular mechanisms involved are only beginning to be understood. This review examines some of the findings relative to the neural mechanisms involved in the initiation of locomotion of lampreys. Locomotion can be elicited by sensory stimulation or by internal cues associated with fundamental needs of the animal such as food seeking, exploration, and mating. We have described mechanisms by which escape swimming is elicited in lampreys in response to mechanical skin stimulation. A rather simple neural connectivity is involved, including sensory and relay neurons, as well as the brainstem rhombencephalic reticulospinal cells, which act as command neurons. We have shown that reticulospinal cells have intrinsic membrane properties that allow them to transform a short duration sensory input into a long-lasting excitatory command that activates the spinal locomotor networks. These mechanisms constitute an important feature for the activation of escape swimming. Other sensory inputs can also elicit locomotion in lampreys. For instance, we have recently shown that olfactory signals evoke sustained depolarizations in reticulospinal neurons and chemical activation of the olfactory bulbs with local injections of glutamate induces fictive locomotion. The mechanisms by which internal cues initiate locomotion are less understood. Our research has focused on one particular locomotor center in the brainstem, the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR). The MLR is believed to channel inputs from many brain regions to generate goal-directed locomotion. It activates reticulospinal cells to elicit locomotor output in a graded fashion contrary to escape locomotor bouts, which are all-or-none. MLR inputs to reticulospinal cells use both glutamatergic and cholinergic transmission; nicotinic receptors on reticulospinal cells are involved. MLR excitatory inputs to reticulospinal cells in the middle (MRRN) are larger than those in the posterior rhombencephalic reticular nucleus (PRRN). Moreover at low stimulation strength, reticulospinal cells in the MRRN are activated first, whereas those in the PRRN require stronger stimulation strengths. The output from the MLR on one side activates reticulospinal neurons on both sides in a highly symmetrical fashion. This could account for the symmetrical bilateral locomotor output evoked during unilateral stimulation of the MLR in all animal species tested to date. Interestingly, muscarinic receptor activation reduces sensory inputs to reticulospinal neurons and, under natural conditions, the activation of MLR cholinergic neurons will likely reduce sensory inflow. Moreover, exposing the brainstem to muscarinic agonists generates sustained recurring depolarizations in reticulospinal neurons through pre-reticular effects. Cells in the caudal half of the rhombencephalon appear to be involved and we propose that the activation of these muscarinoceptive cells could provide additional excitation to reticulospinal cells when the MLR is activated under natural conditions. One important question relates to sources of inputs to the MLR. We found that substance P excites the MLR, whereas GABA inputs tonically maintain the MLR inhibited and removal of this inhibition initiates locomotion. Other locomotor centers exist such as a region in the ventral thalamus projecting directly to reticulospinal cells. This region, referred to as the diencephalic locomotor region, receives inputs from several areas in the forebrain and is likely important for goal-directed locomotion. In summary, this review focuses on the most recent findings relative to initiation of lamprey locomotion in response to sensory and internal cues in lampreys